Strategic focus

The central aspects of the speeches

Achieving industry goals together!

The conference is organized along four strategic development goals of the construction machinery industry. These goals run through both days of the conference and characterize the contributions of the decision-makers.

Alternative drive concepts

In order to reduce the CO₂ footprint of the construction machinery industry and meet legal requirements, the development of alternative drive systems is becoming increasingly important. In this column, we highlight the latest advances and challenges in the areas of electromobility, hydrogen and other zero-emission drive technologies. We discuss how these concepts are changing the use of construction machinery in the long term and what requirements are necessary for their successful integration on the construction site.

Digitalisation and Connectivity

The Digitalisation and Connectivity of individual machines and entire machine fleets are opening up new opportunities to increase efficiency and reduce costs. This pillar is dedicated to the question of how modern technologies such as IoT, big data and real-time data analysis are revolutionizing the construction machinery industry. Topics such as predictive maintenance, fleet management and the integration of digital construction processes take center stage and show how Connectivity leads to improved performance and predictability.

Assistance systems and automation

Assistance systems and automation are key innovations that not only increase efficiency, but also improve work safety and precision in complex construction projects. In this column, we present the latest developments in the areas of autonomous construction machinery, driver assistance systems and remote control technologies. Practical use cases and the challenges associated with implementing these technologies will be discussed - with the aim of paving the way for fully autonomous construction sites.

Market dynamics & global challenges

The construction machinery industry is operating in an increasingly complex global environment. Geopolitical developments, volatile supply chains and new economic conditions present companies with major challenges. At the same time, changing market structures and new competitors are also creating new opportunities. In this column, we analyze the impact of global crises, trade conflicts and regulatory changes on the construction machinery industry. We also shed light on how companies can make their supply chains more resilient, use strategic partnerships and hold their own in international competition.